Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What Would the UFC Be Like Without Dana White at the Helm? We May Soon Find Out

Dana White at UFC 144
What would the UFC be like without company president Dana White around on a day-to-day basis?
That’s a question that has been often asked, but we have yet to experience… although we may soon get a taste for what it would be like without the UFC’s brash head honcho around.
White has developed disorder called Meniere’s disease. It’s a disorder of the inner ear that affects hearing and balance to varying degrees, often times accompanied by extreme cases of vertigo. That description probably doesn’t do the symptoms justice.
“I didn’t miss a fight for 11 years. I’ve had the flu, I’ve had food poisoning, I’ve had everything. I’ve never experienced anything like that in my life and I don’t ever want to experience that again,” White said when explaining the symptoms.
He was initially slated to go in for surgery last week to help deal with the disorder, but the doctors at the last minute instead talked White into trying medication to deal with it instead. But White now insists that he wants to have the surgery done, as it has a better chance of staving off a recurrence.
The greatest caveat to surgery? Doctors say White would be sidelined for around a month or so. The procedure, according to White, involves cutting nerve, and then he would have to undergo rehabilitation than includes relearning to walk, picking up objects as simple as a water bottle, and the like.
Although White says he doesn’t have time to be out of the game for a month, that he’d instead plan on a two-week return, it would be the longest span of time that the UFC would be without White out front.
White is involved in all matters UFC, across the board, from the details of fights to production to media and more.
He says anybody can do what he does.
But what would the UFC be like without Dana White standing front and center on a day-to-day basis? We may soon find out.
Check out what Dana White had to say about the prospect of having surgery and the recovery process…

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